Wednesday, April 6, 2011

We've moved!!!


Ok i'm suuuuuuuuppppppeeeeeeer excited to announce my new blog/ home/ castle, whtever you would call it :) !!

I know i've been missing in action for soo long, and part of that time was making this new blog, alhamdulillah, and part of it was studying and the last part was my baby being sick, but alhamdulillah we're getting better and i swear, there were so many times when i thought of something and said, "i need to blog about that" :D

I'm such a blogger! I can't really get it outta my system, even if I tried so...

*drum roll*

HERE it is! [in case it doesn't work again, it's]

Hope you love it as much as I do <3 and from now on, you can find me here...err.. i mean.. there :) !


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

YeeeYaaa, Poking and Japan Crisis

Hayu recently learned to say her name.. she says 'yeeeyaa.' It's really cute.
This morning, after we woke up, we were playing on the bed, which has been our morning tradition recently, and she kept saying yeeyaa. I didn't understand what she was saying, but later remembered that last week we were trying to teach her to say her name and the closest we got was 'yeeya'.. as you can imagine, this was enough to please her eager parents and grandparents.

Hayaa's also learned something new, and not so great: poking! Unfortunately our early anatomy lessons were a major fail and brought about consequences. We were teaching hayaa where her nose was and she started to put her finger in her nose (i know.. eww right?), we tried teaching hayaa were her eyes are and she pokes her own eyes and mine (ouch!), and we were teaching her where her tummy is and she now lifts her shirt and plays with her belly button in front of strangers (*gasp). Yup, completely a fail.

So, while Hayaa was poking my eyes, after redirecting her somewhere else, I was thinking of how thankful I am that I have her. Alhamdulillah for my baby, my husband, my parents, our home, and our family... Alhamdulillah.

Yesterday when I was watching the news about the Japan crisis, it was so heartbreaking to see the suffering of so many people.. may Allah swt ease their pain, guide them and enable them to reconstruct their lives. Ameen. We build our homes, make our lives for many years and it takes just a moment for everything to fall apart. Alhamdulillah for Allah swt as our protector and guardian.. without Him, where would we be? I think of all the mothers who might have lost their children or children becoming orphaned and my heart aches :(

Ya Rabbanna, protect us, guide us and help us to be thankful for all the blessings you've given us. Everything we have is because of the bounties you have given, and without your guidance and protection we would for sure be lost.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Gems: Ar Raheem Al Ghafoor

I was reading the first part of a lecture series by Nouman Ali Khan, may Allah swt bless him for all the work he's done. It was on the literary gems of the Quran.

Today's Gem was on Surah Saba: ayah 2

Allah says:

يَعْلَمُ مَا يَلِجُ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَمَا يَخْرُجُ

مِنْهَا وَمَا يَنزِلُ مِنَ السَّمَاء وَمَا

يَعْرُجُ فِيهَا وَهُوَ الرَّحِيمُ الْغَفُورُ

"He knows all that goes into the earth and all that comes out of it, and all that descends from the skies and all that ascends into it; and only He is the Most Merciful, the Oft Forgiving. "

What stands out in this verse?

This is the only verse in which Allah's name 'Ar Raheem' comes before 'Al Ghafoor' .. so usually it's 'al Ghafoor ur Raheem' but in this verse it's 'Ar Raheem ul Ghafoor'

SubhanAllah, when we ponder upon the references, we will see the wisdom behind putting Rahmah first and Ghafoor last.

It says -

"He knows what goes into this earth..."

A seed goes into the Earth, but we will also go into it one day, and on that day, we will need the rahmah of Ar Raheem that day.

...'and all that comes out of it...'

A plant comes out of this earth, what will we not also be coming out of it on the day of Resurrection. On that day, we will need the maghfirah of Al Ghafoor.

"...and all that descends from the sky..."

Rain comes down from the sky and it is rahmah for us, and wahy also came down from the sky which is the biggest rahmah in our lives.

"...and all that ascends into it..."

For all the things that ascend to the sky, we need maghfirah for: our duas, our deeds, our souls. And then Allah ends with the subject of the lesson, which is that Allah is Ar Raheem al Ghafoor.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Knight in Shining Armour

Yesterday night, I fell asleep early while putting Hayaa to sleep.. I woke up soon after to pray isha' and went on my lappy to "study" but i wasn't really studying.. i donno why, but i had an urge to look up a foundation I had heard about.. yes, these urges come quite often whilst 'studying'..i find all sorts of things during this time, go on fashion blogs, decor blogs, mommy blogs, watch random youtube videos about makeup tutorials and swoon over them. And unfortunately, that's what i ended up doing yesterday night. I know, i'm bad :(

And then suddenly, my chrome closed on me and my background changed to this:

Yes! I started freaking out! I woke up hubby and showed him the message, but he was so sleepy, he didn't understand what i was saying... then i told him that i wouldn't be able to study tmr. (it was a ligit concern, i wasn't faking), and he woke up and had a look at it. It was 1.30 am when we went to bed after fixing it (and he had to leave for work the next day after fajr) and i'm soo happy that everything is back in order now, alhamdulillah! I don't know how i got it, but i think i should stop going on random sites anymore. I learnt my lesson.

...And that's when i realized, my hubby is my knight in shining armour

Can you think of times your hubby came to your rescue? :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Vaccines and the deal...

I'm supposed to be going through my Small Pox case study right now, in preparing for my International Health exam.. but I thought, this is as good a time as any to just go through a few of my thoughts regarding Vaccines.

I know many people don't think that vaccines are not for their child, and I guess I can respect that, but just make sure you do read and research into it.

This goes over general info that parents should know about vaccines, though it is quite vague and doesn't go into the topic too much.

I think there are two things that bother parents most:

1) the whole deal with autism being connected to the MMR Vaccine
We were discussing this in class and my prof was saying how tired she is of this topic... because that myth was debunked ages ago.. Apparently there were many things regarding the legitimacy of the research and the authors that wrote it. In fact, all of the authors that were part of that research took their word back and agreed that it was a mistake except one. It was later found out that the one author that didn't was getting paid to write the article by a pharmaceutical company. Also, when repeated again, the research failed to provide the same results and many researchers pointed out that the reason they got those results in the first place was that they got their results at the same time as when the signs of autism are apparent (which is when a child is around 13 - 15 months). Anyway, the whole argument of the article was about thermisole anyway (a mercury based compound) and they have already taken that out of the vaccines they give now.

Which brings us to 2) The worry that Thermisole will affect the brain.. Thermisole is not mercury, it's mercury based and they didn't find anything that proved that it was harmful.. but because of the fear, and the dupe research paper on autism, they have taken it out of the vaccines all together like many years ago.

3) Many parents argue that vaccines may cause side affects that we don't know about yet, like some of the stuff on the swine flu vaccine that came out
I think you can't compare the Measles, Polio, Mumps etc. vaccines to the flu and swine flu vaccines.. why? because every year, there is a new flu vaccine made because of the different strains of flu, and the swine flu vaccine was also newly made. The amount of research done on the big vaccines given to kids (ie. polio, measles, pertusis, tetunus, diptheria and TB) does not even compare to the research done on the flu vaccines. Also, if your kids have the flu, they'll get over it within a couple of days, it's not a big deal.. if your kids have polio, they'll be disabled for life or even paralyzed! na authobillah.. may Allah swt protect our little ones. ameen. So, go ahead, don't give them the flu vaccine and rely on natural immunity, but taking a chance on the other sever diseases is not the smartest in my opinion.

I think people fail to realize how serious these diseases are, and they also fail to see that they are communicable, which means they can spread in the community like wild fire and their effects are not just a sneeze, cough or fever, it's paralysis, extreme extreme rashes and scars all over the body and intense sickness you can't even imagine.. why can't we imagine it? because alhamdulillah because of those same vaccines, we live in a society that is almost free of these diseases.

Don't get me wrong, my own marmee is against vaccines.. and yes, though I have tremendous respect for her and her opinions, I do disagree with this one.

*EDIT* ...I put pictures up, but they were kinda gruesome, so i took them off.. i think you should google some of these diseases that our kids are vaccinated for and see the severity of them..

on another note, my MIL actually told me that her first son (he passed away) had Polio - he contracted it because at the time she did not know about vaccinations. Well, after he passed away, the doctor told her that if he had been alive, he would have been disabled for life. Needless to say, all her sons and the kids in their family are now vaccinated.

I don't know, i guess in the end it's up to the parents to decide.. like i came across a document on some site called 'natural news' which said that vaccines may cause a number of other side affects and doctors just want you to get vaccinated because they want to charge you extra for the side effects.. honestly, to me this sounds like the many conspiracy theories that are already out there (my notes tell me that the global cost of one of these vaccinations to the governments was 2.3 billion dollars.. so it doesn't make sense that vaccines that are so expensive would be a means to get our $$).
... And, you know, I would believe these documents too if I wasn't studying some of these diseases, reading articles about the epidemics they've caused and watching documentaries about how vaccines have helped countries like Africa and India from viruses like Small Pox (in which 1/3 of the cases die, if they live, they have severe lesions for the rest of their life and most end up blind) etc. etc.

So there, that's my $0.01 on the issue. It's all for you to decide and discuss this issue with your family doctor.. don't just accept claims from both sides, especially not from websites that sell t-shirts on the side or have google ads on them :p

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I'm back!

Assalaamualaikum blog world,

I missed you. I'm back. I'm sorry i went MIA on you! The past two months of so have been a whirlwind.. so much to do, see, new developments. SubhanAllah.

- Hayaa is 13 months and 3 weeks!! Masha'Allah tabarkAllah.
- She walks and runs
- new words: mamma, baba, papa *sigh* it makes my day when she looks at me and says mamma
- she is now more comfy sleeping on her bed, but still ends up in ours in the middle of the night
- she's getting her big teeth!

How has these past couple of months changed me?

I've honestly been running around like a mad women :( School has kept me super busy and the biggest thing i regret is not being around Hayaa those 2 days, and some other times when i have to go upstairs and study. I really liked taking two courses and having time to play with Hayaa and being with her.. 3 of them are driving me a little on the edge sometimes, but alhamdulillah i'm almost done and AB and the rest of the family have been so supportive throughout..

i'm actually reaally looking forward to spring, when i can take Hayu to the park and play with her and just be able to spend more time with her. In the beginning, I wasn't comfortable with the thought of being a 'family'.. i was so happy being a 'couple' that when Hayaa arrived, having the title of not just a wife but also a mother, from a couple to a family and of having a baby with me everywhere i went took me by surprise. The realization that my life has changed forever.. wasn't sure at the time if it's for the best, but now i have no doubt in my mind that it was and is alhamdulillah. I think it's because i'm just more confident and happy about my role as a mother now. I'm not getting swayed by random comments about how i should be and how she should be.. I'm letting me just be me and her just be her.

I'm really enjoying every moment with my baby now, and although time alone is nice, when Hayaa's not around, i do feel a little uneasy, as if a big part of me missing. Especially because, alhamdulillah she's such a big girl now, and no longer cries when i take her out as she used to in her colic days. That's not to say we don't have our downs.. this morning, my jaanu's diaper leaked yet again, she threw up once, and she does continue to hit me still in her sleep.. lol but it's not so annoying anymore. I realized that if i don't enjoy the little things in my life, it'll pass me by.. she'll grow up and be independent.. and i'll miss this time! so why not enjoy it now right?

Ok enough rambling.. I still have an exam in two days.. i just needed to write some things down before getting down to studying :)