Thursday, September 16, 2010

Back-2-School Lessons

I started school last week, alhamdulillah. I'll only be gone 2 days, but whenever i would think about in the months leading up to it, i used to get so scared. 2 whoole days! for 5-10 hours at a time away from Hayaa.. that would have sounded impossible for me to do just 3 months ago.. but alhamdulillah it's hasn't been too bad.

Firstly, using a swing to put Hayaa to sleep helps soooooo much! I felt like kicking myself at the back when I think of all the times I had struggled.. rather how others struggled to put Hayaa to sleep if I happen to be out when she became sleepy. The first day of school, ammi and abu put the swing together and put her in it when i was about to leave. Alhamdulillah she loved it and she's been fine since. For some reason though, she does not sit on the swing if i put her in it.. funny kid, she still hates when it's time to sleep and gets really agitated when I put her near the swing because she knows I'm putting her in there and trying to put her to sleep. she just wants her dudu straight up.

She's 8 months now, and I think this is the perfect time for mothers to return to work or school, for babies to be away from their mommies for some time. Before this time, I think it's too early and after it, it would have been difficult for Hayaa to get use to. I remember when my mom started to work when my little brother was 1 year old. He cried so much! I heard from two other people that at 8 months, when you leave the baby home, she might cry when you're leaving but eventually the other caregiver can distract her.

Also, I had been nursing her until 6 months and only late in the 7th month did I start giving her the bottle.. so that would be another thing I would have to workout if I had gone to school earlier. Last week was actually the first time Hayaa drank from the bottle since.. a long time! she would not let me give her the bottle before this time.

I did learn that I even though I did not use to understand where my mom and MIL would be coming from when they'd tell me to sometimes "let her be" and be so "attached" to her, it doesn't mean they're wrong.. like they'd tell me to give her an ounce of supplement milk and be a little independent.. I was like oook it's been a while since they were mothers, BUT, they're not so wrong after all and I realize that now.
I mean, I definitely would not just 'let her be' if she's crying and screaming for my attention, but sometimes a little separation is actually healthy. Well, I think so. hehe in my 8 months of experience. Honestly, I needed some time for myself. Especially in the beginning of ramadan when she'd insist to be in my arms when i'd be cooking. She just wanted to be in my arms ALL the time, and .. well, alhamdulillah leaving her home with my MIL for some time is, i believe, healthy for not only me but also her.

So yeah, alhamdulillah things are nice :) I do definitely miss Hayaa during my school days, but i'm totally enjoying the 'me' time that i'm finally getting.. and ammi says that she's just fine at home, so that makes me happy, because she's learning to play by herself and stay with others and not just her mommy.


  1. alhamdulilah im glad things are working out for you :) good luck in school!

  2. Good stuff. I bought a swing for hafsa last week when nakib was gone to oTtawa. I was hoping she would fall asleep in it because she would only sleep if I rock her to sleep. She doesn't fall asleep in it so I put her to sleep and then put her in the swing. it works most of the time alhamdulillah.
    I am glad you got back to school and both u and hayA are doing fine :)

  3. yeah nobz, it works some of hte time. there are no guarantees for babies.
