Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What I would do the second time around...

When Hayaa was young, I couldn't imagine having another baby. Now, sometimes when I see her play, I feel like it it would be nice for her to have another sibling to play with.. maybe not now, but soon in the future insha'Allah. My pregnancy definitely wasn't the best experiance.. it wasn't all the health. I know that if I had wanted to, it could have been much better.

If i was pregnant again, I would...

Not be living in a house with my brother in law, and if possible, living close to my in laws but not with them:
wearing shalwar kameez in the summer while pregnant sucks, wearing abaya in the house, while pregnant and cooking sucks even more. If i can help it, with my husbands happiness and his family's, i'd opt for living not with my in laws. No doubt, there are loads and loads of blessings living with your inlaws, but during pregnancy, it tends to get tough. However, if there's nothing i can do about that, then I know Allah swt only put me in that situation because it's best for me... but at least, i don't want to be livign with another non mahrem and wearing abaya all the time, the next time around insha'Allah.

Investing in a few nice maternity clothes:
During my pregnancy, one of hte biggest issues I had was clothes! My shalwar kameezs were getting too tight and I had to wear my mother-in-laws clothes because i thought, why should i waste money and keep getting a new wardrobe. Sometimes, it's good to save, but sometimes for your own sake, it's better to get some clothes that will work all throughout. It would have been relatively easy working iwth my wardrobe had I worn just sweats and tops, but wearing paki clothes is soo uncomfortable.

Now, there are loads of styles in paki clothes that would look nice on pregnant women. If only I knew then! During the weekdays I would get off the hook by wearing my humongo abaya in the kitchen (bro in law issue), but by weekends, there would be family parties to attend, and every weekend I would feel uncomfortable about the way I looked. Insha'Allah I'll do some homework next time and get some proper clothes made.

Maternity friendly shalwar khameez options: (colours are gross, styles are cute)

Go out of doors more often: being home all day is not cool.. and I don't know why, after getting married, I just stayed home ALL day! never again insha'Allah.

NOT eat for two: anyone who told you that you had to eat for two while pregnant... was probably an auntie ;)

Get one or two maternity abayas: for some reason, abaya's are quite pricey at stores. I'd get them stitched instead if i can't find resonable ones at the stores.

Go swimming/ Join some sort of Swimming classes: swimming while pregnant is the safest and best exercize.. and it feels great :)

Do prenatal yoga: It helps keep the body lean, and gets your body in shape for the big day

Get a doula: I'm not sure if doula's help around the house and how much they help exactly, but if I was livign on my own with Hayaa, i'd definitely be open to any helping hand.

Cook and freeze the food: because cooking in the first few weeks of baby being home is quite tough.

Go for a walk every day, or at least every other day

Restrain some of my loaded sugar or oily cravings some of the time

finally, I would..

Be less mean to husband.

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