Monday, August 30, 2010

7 month crazies

Hayya is a week short of 8 months now and masha'Allah she's quite a fast bloomer. She sits and crawls comfortably and even holds the sofa and picks herself up to stand. She's also quite active, which is good most times but there are days when she really tires me out.

On the down side, 7-8 months mean teething and separation anxiety and this month, the combination of the two has Hayaa acting up a lot. And the days when i'd be fasting, due to ramadan, i can't do anything except be with her all day :( She's a bit better now, but for a few weeks ago, every time i put her down, she'd start to cry. Today she really tested my patience and started to screech and scream at the top of her lungs. I couldn't take it any more, I called husband and broke down. Then I realized that perhaps nursing is not enough, maybe because she's either growing or because it's gotten less due to fasting, she needs more. I fed her food, changed her diaper then tried putting her to sleep, and alhamdulillah, she's now fast asleep.

When Hayaa was a baby, feeding her wasn't a big deal. There are no messes, it's quick, handy and i can give it whereever i am.. and she would fall asleep fast as soon as i did. Now, I have to give her food and it's messy, sometimes i have to make it, sometimes she's fussy to eat it, it takes a long time and then i have to spend another half hour or so putting her to sleep. but the silver lining now is that at times, when i can't take it any more, i can just hand her to husband or someone else and they can feed her and put her to sleep.. I don't necessarily have to do everything.

So there, every age has it's good times and bad.

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