Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Vacationing with Baby 101

We've just returned from our first vacation outside of the city with baby, and that too a road trip of 7 hours + =) it was fun!


keep a baby carrier and a stroller with you
both came in handy at different times. When I wanted to carry my baby, the carrier was good and when she was sick of it, the stroller was helpful. And sometimes, both would not do, so we had to carry her in our arms. Husband and I took turns.

keep many extra baby outfits on hand
it's always good to keep an extra outfit in the bag before you leave, but also have babies sweater and blanket in case it gets cold and a sun hat is very important in the summer in case it gets hot.

make a list of things to do and pack a day before leaving
My list was so helpful, all i had to do is drop stuff in our bag and keep crossing things out. I sat and wrote the list a week before while hayaa was napping.

book a king size hotel room in a nice hotel
they accidently gave us a double bed the first night, and it wasn't so great, but moving into the king sized room was sooo much better the next night.. and they were nice enough to give it on the same floor, alhamdulillah.

Be content with how things work out
Things don't always go your way, but it's ok. Be thankful and be content with what does happen. Alhamdulillah you've got a chance to go and spend a few days with hubby and baby away from distractions and work.

Stay in one of the days, put baby to sleep, takeout and have a movie night with hubby :) <3>

If you're going on a road trip:

Have a GPS
It's quite handy when going to a new place, especially when you're on your way there and you have a washroom or diaper emergency. You'll need to locate the nearest tims or subway (gas stations have horrible washrooms!), and will need to get back on the highway afterwards. This will definitely help.

have a few lectures to listen to in the car ride
lectures are always good :) and the journey is as important as the destination.


Keep unwashed dishes in the sink before leaving! peewww you'll come home to a stinky house.

Get lazy and rely on room service instead of taking advantage of the great breakfast buffet downstairs. breakfast buffets that are awesome are awesome.

Overload your schedule with attractions to see
It is a vacation so you're supposed to relax and have fun

Sweat the small stuff
Baby's going to inconvenience you in some ways, but don't let it ruin your family vacation. make up your mind that you wouldn't let the small things get you down and enjoy whole heartedly the blessings you have in front of you :)

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