Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hayaa's "lovey"

So, as I've already written, for the past few days I've been trying to have Hayaa transition from her nursing to sleep mode to sleeping without milk mode. I figure, we'll get to the sleeping by herself thing later insha'Allah.. we'll get there, step by step.

Usually kids have a stuffed animal, blanket or pacifier they sleep with. It seems to provide them with comfort and help them through any transition. It's called a 'lovey' because kids love it so much and sometimes carry it around with them where ever they go. I've been trying to get Hayaa on one for days to ease her, while we take these steps towards a better sleeping Hayaa. Much to my disappointment, she adamantly refused to hold a blanket or a stuffed animal and even a pacifier.

This morning, she literally cried (or screamed) herself to sleep without me nursing her, making everyone in the house quite uneasy. So naturally I shuddered at the thought of putting her to sleep again. Well, she's asleep now alhamdulillah, hardly cried this time, didn't scream at all, and went to sleep in about 20 minutes (which is pretty good).

What did I do differently this time that I had not done the last? played Quran in the background! After 10 minutes of listening, I stopped it to look for something else and she started to cry. Crazy subhanAllah. I mean, I am happy that she's attached herself to the sound of the quran, but while a lovey can be carried around other places, i can't really carry around a qari. I can recite some surahs to her, but she seems to prefer a certain qari.. shaykh Mahir to be exact. Sometimes she likes Saad Al Ghamdi as well, but when I recite to her, as absurd as it sounds, it doesn't seem to produce the same effect.

My daughter and her very specific requests. sigh.

So, what should I do if I need to put her to sleep somewhere other then her room? Maybe I should be carrying an MP3 player around with me.

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